

This board holds several pieces of important information, and all are mandatory reads for members. Please carefully read the contents before or immediately after joining!

4 15 02. PLOT
Jun 17, 2015 6:56:25 GMT -7

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1 1 to do list
Jun 17, 2015 3:15:51 GMT -7
questions and suggestions

This board is guest-friendly. If you're unclear on something or you want to suggest a way we can improve Carrion Crows, feel free to post about it here.

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character base

character creation

When you've finish reading through the guidebook, you can come here to start your biography. Please read the stickied threads for more information about our desired bio format, and remember to be patient when waiting on a mod!

wip, pending

4 6 firemask, thunderclan warrior
Jun 20, 2015 22:36:53 GMT -7
accepted characters

Biographies will be moved and sorted here after being accepted by a moderator. If your biography is in the wrong place, please PM a staff member so that it may be moved.

thunderclan, shadowclan, riverclan, windclan, other

Jun 19, 2015 19:10:21 GMT -7

Has your character been accepted? Post here! This board contains a list of all related claim lists on the site, including a Who's Who, Mentor/Apprentice, Name Claim and FC list.

Jun 23, 2015 13:39:06 GMT -7

If you're looking for plots, relationships, or anything else your character might need, you should make a thread here.

plot pages, character tracker

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This board is guest-friendly. Want to make a character, but don't have an idea for one? Adopt one instead! Here's the place where members can post spouses, family members or other characters for other members to adopt. Kitting information can be found here as well.


Jun 23, 2015 20:21:18 GMT -7


thunderclan camp

ThunderClan’s camp is hidden in what used to be an old, dried-up riverbed. Their clearing is a well-protected sandy ravine, but is filled with dense foliage such as ferns, ivy and bracken. Because of the sharp thorns and brambles that surround the camp, ThunderClan is usually seen as easy to protect and difficult to attack. The only entrance is a Gorse Tunnel with sheer stone walls that reach about as high as the trees and the forest they’re so readily known for. Sunlight spills easily through the open canopy, providing for a well-lit and warm area that the cats often lounge about in nice weather. In the center of the camp sits a large, flat boulder where the leader makes announcements, thus named High Rock. Most of the dens are made up of bushes, brambles and ferns, but the Leader’s Den is a small cave that sits underneath High Rock and was rumored to be carved out by an ancient stream and has lichen hanging over the entrance.

leader's den, medicine cat's den, warriors' den, apprentices' den, nursery, elders' den

1 1 test
Jun 25, 2015 16:16:26 GMT -7
thunderclan territory

Tucked into the southeast corner is ThunderClan territory, largely composed of a beautiful, thick forest that they're best known for. The massive oak, birch and cedar trees can be seen from a distance, and is known to house a number of prey such as birds, squirrels and mice. In the warmer seasons, the grass canopy filters out the hot sunlight with wide, green leaves. In leaf-bare, however, the trees shed their leaves and expose ThunderClan cats to icy cold winds and frozen snow.

sandy hollow, snakerocks, tallpines

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shadowclan camp

ShadowClan’s camp is a hollow with high, secure walls made of brambles. The only way in is through a small tunnel entrance constructed out of thorny branches. Inside the camp, the ground is muddy and cool with very little vegetation to be found. Fresh-kill is usually deposited onto a pile a few feet from the entrance. Near the edge of the clearing, a smooth boulder—the Clanrock—is where the leader formally addresses the Clan. While the dens look unpleasant at first glance, the insides are lined with pine needles and soft moss. The leader’s den is nestled beneath the roots of an old oak tree. The medicine cat’s den is a cave sheltered beneath the Clanrock and the rock leaning against it. Its surrounded by ferns that sick cats can rest on. Warriors sleep in a den beneath one of the bramble bushes. The nursery is a hollow underneath a thorn bush. Elders live in a comfortable den made out of leaves and moss.

leader's den, medicine cat's den, warriors' den, apprentices' den, nursery, elders' den

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shadowclan territory

ShadowClan’s territory is a marshland in the northeast, bordered by two long stretches of road. The ground is soft and damp, covered in dewy sawgrass and spindly rushes. Large, swampy pools of water are found throughout the area, making navigation and hunting complicated—especially after heavy rainfall. Trees are scarce, but pines and old sycamores have well-established roots in some of the drier parts of the land.

carrionplace, burnt sycamore, thunderpath tunnel

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riverclan camp

RiverClan camp is situated on a large, dry island in the middle of the river. Surrounded by reeds, the Clan is hidden from prying eyes. It doesn’t protect them as well as thorn bushes could, but the river is a natural deterrent for their enemies and the camp has never been attacked. The clearing is spacious and sun-warmed. Most of the dens are made out of reeds but the cats personalize them with shells and feathers to break up the monotony. The leader’s den is built out of willow stems woven into the roots of a willow tree. Concealed behind a sedge, the medicine cat makes their home in woven reeds. Inside, they dig small holes to hide their herbs out of reach from curious Clanmates. Beside the medicine cat’s den at the top of a slope, the elders rest in a den made of willow stems and reeds. On the other side of the clearing is the warriors den and the nursery. The warriors den is another unremarkable tangle of reeds, but the shiny stones the RiverClan cats entwined in the roof cast little squares of light onto the floor of the den. Closest to the river, the nursery is tucked against a wall of sedges. Its walls are a thick knit of willow branches and reeds to prevent the nursery from floating away. The proximity to the river lets kits practice swimming and getting wet. In the clearing nearby, cats can enjoy sunning on a few flat rocks whenever the river recedes. When the river swells, however, the camp is at risk of being flooded.

leader's den, medicine cat's den, warriors' den, apprentices' den, nursery, elders' den

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riverclan territory

RiverClan takes the westernmost part of the forest territories for themselves. Most of it is flat stretches of plains with the occasional rolling hill, but the horses and Twolegs on the farms at the fringes of their territory make it hard for warriors to hunt. It doesn't concern them much, though, because most of RiverClan's activity buzzes around the southeast corner of their territory where the river is calm and teeming with fish. The river that defines them borders the eastern side of the territory. It cuts through the gorge and rumbles down its path until it disappears beyond the edge of their territory.

sunningrocks, river, twoleg bridge, gorge

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windclan camp

WindClan camp is found in a valley between two rolling hills, protected by a thicket of gorse bushes. The only way in or out of the camp is through the gorse tunnel entrance. WindClan's camp is the most vulnerable of the four clans in spite of the thorny walls surrounding them. Most of the cats forgo dens and sleep under the open sky, heedless to aerial predators that plague the skies above them. The warriors, apprentices, and even the leader choose to sleep in the sandy clearing. The queens and kits sleep in a nursery under the gorse wall where they're safest from predators. The elders' den is only a few tail-lengths away from the nursery and they sleep under the gorse bushes as well. When the weather is poor or if cats want to bundle up somewhere warm, there's a few abandoned burrows in the camp where they can sleep in instead. The only other landmark in the camp is the Tallrock, a large stone that overlooks the clearing and the place where leaders make their announcements to the Clan.

leader's den, medicine cat's den, warriors' den, apprentices' den, nursery, elders' den

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windclan territory

WindClan territory is a seamless stretch of moors in the northern part of the forest territories. The territory is sloped with hills and valleys and nearly flat plains. Trees are few and thin, too thin to offer coverage from predators or bad weather. The gorse bushes and tall grasses provide most of the protection for WindClan cats, but they can always dip into rabbit warrens and abandon badger sets if they're feeling especially vulnerable.

abandoned badger set, twoleg farm, outlook rock

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neutral territory


Even from miles away, cats can see the distinctive tall, jagged peaks that characterize Highstones, a series of sharp rocks that surround the Mothermouth. Leaders must journey here to receive their nine lives, and medicine cats walk this path to convene with StarClan every half-moon. The area is surrounded by coarse, dry grass which gives way to raw soil dotted by heather patches. Mothermouth is square and black and yawns to a stone archway. Inside, the air is stale and tinged with dust and stone. The cave is comprised of a web of tunnels tangled together, making it difficult for an inexperienced cat to find their way through. Eventually the rocky path leads to the Moonstone, a giant quartz crystal that catches the starlight and is believed to allow clan cats to speak with their ancestors. The open-ceiling room is vast with curved walls that reach high above cats' heads, and the scent of heather and wind washing down from the hole. The Moonstone shines brightly, almost blindingly so, and fills the room with such dazzling light that it bleaches cats' fur. Having reached this sacred place, all cats need to do is touch their nose to the Moonstone in order to speak with StarClan.

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Gatherings are held at the Fourtrees once every full moon, a central place surrounded by four towering Oaks in a hollow. Since the early days of the clans, a truce has kept the cats from fighting. Fourtrees opens to a steep-sided clearing, of which is centered around a stone with jagged edges called Great Rock, where the leaders of the clans are to sit. Moonlight trickles in through the canopy, offering light for the cats to mingle and chat. Legend has it that a long, ferocious battle once took place here, which created the clans.

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A place that most Clan cats are taught to steer clear of, Twolegplace is an area southeast of ThunderClan territory and bordering the Thunderpath. Its warm, soft smells mingled with the sour, tangy smells of the Thunderpath make the cats that live here smell quite distinctly, as the area is home to Twolegs and their kittypets, as well as a couple of strays. A fence separates the neighborhood from the forest, though that doesn't seem to stop most kittypets from leaping over and satisfying their curiosity.

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out of character


Staff will discuss site features and universal plot-related matters here. Root accounts promoted to Moderator and higher may view and participate.

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general chat

Out of character discussions can be posted within this board.


1 4 testing
Jul 9, 2015 16:58:44 GMT -7

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1 2 OUR AD
Jul 10, 2015 21:55:08 GMT -7

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